Community Development and Renewable Energy
The Community Development and Renewable Energy is one of the important components of CelAgrid where research results have been applied. So far CelAgrid is working in 3 provinces of Takeo, Kandal and Pursat while demonstration has been also targeted Kampong Speu, Kampong Cham, Battambang, Kampong Thom and Kampot. In the three provinces, community organizations have been established allowing them to manage inputs distributed by the projects. Heifer International – Cambodia and CIDA/FSIF are the mayor donors for community development although other small projects from NZAID (2004-2005) and FAO (2006-2007) have also supported this component.
The strategy of CelAgrid in community development is to work closely with the Commune Councils (CC) and with at least 10% of the total population in each village formed into community organization. The participating community members receive season long training using farmer field school methodologies, organizing the self-help group and receiving inputs such livestock, fish, vegetable and forage seeds and seedlings and biodigesters. The strength of these communities looking for sustainability is the application of Heifer International – Cambodia cornerstones model and principles where the original community members share ‘Passing On the Gift' (POG) to other villagers and these gifts can be knowledge and materials.
Community Development in Takeo province
Community Development in Kandal province
Community Development in Pursat province