The Strategy
CelAgrid team belief that development can be happened in the
community when changes in traditional agricultural practices,
human capacity, degree of resources mobilization and the routine
and systematic commitment of development workers, community members and policy makers.
The changes in traditional agricultural practices would occur at least
when greater benefits can be shown from the new innovative agricultural
technologies and therefore CelAgrid team beliefs new adapted research need
to be studied and results should be introduced and demonstrated in communities.
As the education levels of the community members are concerned, CelAgrid team truly
beliefs the hand-on “Learning by Doing” applying Farmer Field School
methodologies and approaches is so far the most appropriate strategy for capacity building
of community members. In addition, CelAgrid is advocating its research results through training
courses organized for government staff, development workers, students and NGO staff with the
expectation that wider application would be occurred in nationwide to influence policy makers.