From 2003-2006, 34 research projects were carried out at CelAgrid with the financial support from Swedish International Development Authority (Sida)/Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation (SAREC) through MEKARN for Research Cooperation for Livestock-based Sustainable Agriculture in the Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodian Agricultural Research Fund (CARF), International Foundation for Sciences and Centro International para Agricultura Tropical and articles were published in various local and international journals (see publications). However, 24 main topics with 40 experiments are going and need to be carried during 2007-2009. The topics of these experiments are listed below:
1. Effect of different levels of mixture of water spinach and fresh water hyacinth leaves on pigs growth performance
2. Effect of different fiber sources as feed supplements to based diets of water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) on growing rabbits
3. Evaluation of different ratios of manure and water plants on the production of earthworms, and the effect of management system and supplementation of earthworms and water spinach on the survival
rate, growth performance and productivity of local chicks and hens.
a. Experiment 1: Effect of mixing cow manure and water plants on earthworm yield and humus production
b. Experiment 2: Effect of management system and supplementation of earthworms and water spinach on the survival rate, growth performance and productivity of local chicks and hens.
4. Study of the supplementation of water Spinach and earthworms on the growth performance of local rowing chickens
a. Experiment 1: Effect of water spinach and earthworms as protein sources and production system on the performance of growing chickens fed a basal diet of broken rice and rice bran
b. Experiment 2: Effects of improved management and feeding of small-holder chickens in Takeo province, Cambodia.
5. Effect of different level of ensile cassava foliage on growth performance of local cattle fed urea-lime treated rice straw as a basal diets
6. Evaluation of Jatropha curcas as source of renewable energy in an integrated farming system
a. Experiment 1: Survey on occurrence and present uses of Jatropha curcus in selected provinces in Cambodia
b. Experiment 2: Effect of planting method and fertilization with biodigester effluent on yield of biomass, oil and pressed cake of Jatropha curcus
7. Cassava biomass yield and the use of its roots and leaves for pig feeding in upland, Cambodia
a. Experiment 1: Effect energy sources on growth performance of growing-fattening pigs fed cassava leaf silage in mountainous region in Cambodia
b. Experiment 2: Effect of level of cow manures and cutting management on biomass yield of cassava
8. Effect of different energy and level protein for growing pigs
9. Effect of different energy sources and foliage for digestibility and growth performance of pigs
a. Experiment 1: Water spinach or mulberry as protein sources for digestibility and N retention with basal diet of sugar palm, broken rice or rice bran mix with cassava root meal
b. Experiment 2: Water spinach or mulberry as protein sources for growing pig in basal diet of sugar palm, broken rice or rice bran mix with cassava root meal
10. Effect of different level of cassava foliage hay on growing cattle with basal diet of rice straw in village condition in Cambodia
11. Effect of replacing fish meal by taro leaves silage on digestibility, N retention and growth performance
of pig fed sugar palm as basal diet
a. Experiment 1: Digestibility and nitrogen balance in pigs feeding ensiled taro (Colocasia esculenta) leaves as replacement for fish meal
b. Experiment 2: Effect of ensiled taro (Colocasia esculenta) leaves as replacement for fish meal on growing pig
12. Effect of chopping and wilting fresh cassava leaves on their value as protein sources for growing pigs
a. Experiment 1: Effect of chopping and wilting cassava leaves on HCN content
b. Experiment 2: Effect of chopping and wilting cassava leaves on intake, digestibility and N retention by growing pigs
c. Experiment 3: Effect of chopping and wilting cassava leaves, and supplementation with DL- methionine, on intake,growth and feed conversion in growing pigs
d. Experiment 4: Adoption by farmers of the use of cassava leaves to improve the protein mineral and vitamin status of rice byproducts traditionally used for feeding pigs
13. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on Taro (Colocasia esculenta) yield and the use of Taro forage for pigs.
a. Experiment 1: Effect of N levels of effluent from biodigester loaded pig or cow manures on the biomass yield of Taro
b. Experiment 2: Effect of taro (Colocasia esculenta) leaves sun-wilted or silage fed with three sources of carbohydrate on nutrients digestibility of crossbred pigs
14. Effect of harvest interval on biomass yield of mulberry
15. Assessment of feeding practices and feed resources and its utilization on pig production in four main
agro-ecological zones of Cambodia
16. The use of cassava leaf silage as a potential protein supplement for cattle in smallholder production in Cambodia
a. Experiment 1: effect of different level of protein sources from cassava leaves silage for growing cattle
b. Experiment 2: Effect of supplementing cassava leaf silage for growing cattle in the dry season in Cambodia
17. Mulberry and pig production in integrated farming system
a. Experiment 1: Use of different level of effluent for mulberry tree growth
b. Experiment 2: Water spinach or mulberry as protein sources for growing pig in basal diet of sugar palm, broken rice or rice bran mix with cassava root meal
18. Optimization of the role of tubular plastic biodigesters in integrated farming system
a. Experiment 1: Determine response of water spinach to increase level of biodigestor effluent
b. Experiment 2: Measure impact of introducing the biodigester at farmer’s level in integrated farming system to provide gas for cooking
19. Diversification of activities on farms in Kandal Province through introduction of polyethylene biodigesters.
20. Effect of nitrogen level from effluent derived from a biodigester loaded with pig manure on leaf and root yield of cassava managed as a forage crop
21. Effect of fresh sweet potato leaf and fresh mulberry leaf or as a mixture on intake, digestibility and N retention of growing pigs fed broken rice
a. Experiment 1: Effect of fresh sweet potato leaves and fresh mulberry
Leaves, given separately or mixed together, on intake, digestibility and N retention of growing pigs given a basal diet of broken rice.
b. Experiment 2: Effect of fresh sweet potato leaves and fresh mulberry
Leaves, fed separately or mixed together on growing pigs
22. Effects of cassava leaf meal on the growth performance and GI tract development of local and exotic ducks and chickens.
23. Assessment of Consumer Demand and Market Outlet for Pig Meat and Meat Products in Rural and Urban Areas.
24. Characteristics and Dynamics of Backyard Poultry Raising Systems in Five Asian Countries in relation to the Reduction and Management of Avian Influenza Risk