CelAgrid Present
In 2003, CelAgrid had about 15 volunteer staff and now it grows up to 38 staff. The soil at CelAgrid when we started was very poor due to the traditional rice cultivation with little or no fertilizer application but slowly the team has worked very hard and trying to improve soil fertility by applying green biomass such as leaves and grasses and cow manure. The application at start as basal fertilizer was 20 tons of cow manure per ha and top dressing with effluent from biodigesters loaded with pigs and cow manure. Although chemical analysis has not been done, observation on forage production such as cassava, mulberry, water spinach, sweet potato, etc has significantly improved. |
CelAgrid centre in 2003
CelAgrid centre in 2006
When UTA-Cambodia was based at RUA, the team did not yet work with communities and now CelAgrid is working with 28 communities in Takeo, Kandal and Pursat provinces and has planned to move forward to other districts within same target provinces in 2007-2010.
Started in 2003 CelAgrid has an office at the Ecological Farm in Pras Theat village, Rolous commune, Kandal Stung district, Kandal province. In Phnom Penh, Heifer International-Cambodia allowed us to use their office space and facilities. In 2005, a branch office was established in Pursat provincial town to facilitate the operation of Food Security Initiative Fund (FSIF/CIDA/HPI). Two new branch offices will be established; one in Sras Takoun village, Sanglong commune, Treang district and other in Kus commune, Tramkak district, Takeo province. CelAgrid now has an office in Phnom Penh in January 2007. The new office in Phnom Penh will equip with 24 hours access to internet allow researchers and scientists to get their references and communicating with supervisors abroad when writing papers/articles.
Having the office in Phnom Penh, the office and seminar rooms at the centre will be mainly used for project activities such as training, research and community development components and Eco-Farm.
Further information please contact :
PO Box 2423, Phnom Penh 3, Cambodia.
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Telephone : +855 (0)23 223 640