Seminars / workshops
December 12-13 2006: CelAgrid hold annual workshop in Pursat with the participation of 32 community leaders, commune councils, government of Phnom Kravanh district, CelAgrid staff and FSIF/CIDA coordinator. The objectives of the annual workshop were: (i) to report and discuss problems and constraints during the implementation of first year project; (ii) to share experiences with new selected communities; and (iii) plan activities for second year. The full report of the annual workshop will be presented separately.
August 22-26, 2006: CelAgrid was honored to organize a regional workshop on Forages for Pigs and Rabbits at the Sunway Hotel in Phnom Penh from August 22-24, 2006 and the MEKARN Steering Committee Meeting and Research Project Proposal evaluation from August 25-26, 2006. The participants were researchers from Cambodia , Vietnam , Laos , Colombia , and Australia and the workshop was supported by Sida/SAREC through an established agricultural research network in Mekong Region (MEKARN). More than 50 researchers and development workers such NGOs and government staff attended and presented their research papers. The proceeding of the workshop will be published by MEKARN. The objectives of the workshop were:
√ Exchange experiences on problems and solutions in feeding of forages as the major parts of the diets for pigs and rabbits in the tropics √ Discuss the role of forages as the components of environmentally friendly integrated farming systems √ Discuss role of the pigs and rabbits for poverty alleviation in the rural areas.
Topics of the workshop were:
√ Selection and cultivation of protein-rich forages in different ecological zones
√ Feathers of the of the digestive physiology of pigs and rabbits that related to the use of forages √ Feeding systems for pigs using forages as the major sources of the protein √ Feeding systems for rabbits using forages as the major component of the diets √ Role of pigs and rabbits and their social importance in the integrated farming systems.