4. Demonstration on using local feed resources for growing pigs in On Farm Trial in Cambodia .
Author: CelAgrid, 2006.
Report is available at CelAgrid and Smallholders Livestock Production Project (MAFF)
Summary: Participants were selected with the agreement and approval from the Commune Councils from each of the selected sites. To be more efficient use of resources for the training/demonstration, 20-25 participants were recommended to attend this training/DEMO however, 20, 22 and 23 for Tropeang Chhuk village (Diet A), Tram Kak district, Takeo province, Krang Ta Char village (Diet B), Thpong district and Kiri Reasmei Khang Tboung village (Diet B), Phnom Sruoch district, Kampong Speu province respectively, were registered for this activities. The diets were (Diet A) water spinach, cassava leaf silage, broken rice, rice bran and premix with a supplement of 100g fishmeal per pig per day and (Diet B) fishmeal, soybean meal, cassava root meal, broken rice, rice bran and premix. The protein in diets was calculated according to the weight of pigs which was 10-25kg and 25-50kg. A total of 12 piglets were used for this demonstration. Eight piglets (4 males and 4 females) were taken from CelAgrid for Tropeang Chhuk and Krang Ta Char villages while participants in Kiri Reasmei Khang Tboung preferred piglets from their village and 4 of them females. The average initial weight was 15.8 (13.5-17kg), 20.5 (18-24.5kg) and 14.3 (13-18kg) for Tropeang Chhuk, Krang Ta Char, and Kiri Reasmei Khang Tboung villages respectively. All pigs were fed ad libitum. The weight of pigs was recorded in every 15 days and regression analysis (Slope) was used to get the mean of the daily weight gain. The Slope and Standard Deviation of the means from Excel programme were used to calculate the means and standard deviation.
Abstract: The average initial weight was 15.8 (13.5-17kg), 20.5 (18-24.5kg) and 14.3 (13-18kg) and final weight was 40 (36-44kg), 44.5 (38.5-54kg) and 44.9 (37-62kg) for Tropeang Chhuk, Krang Ta Char, and Kiri Reasmei Khang Tboung villages respectively. The average daily weight gain was 346g (StDev ± 0.045), 337g (StDev ± 0.068) and 442g (StDev ± 0.178) per pig for T Tropeang Chhuk, Krang Ta Char, and Kiri Reasmei Khang Tboung villages respectively. It was concluded that the diet A is appropriate for poor resource farmers keeping 2-3 pigs per cycle while diet B is suitable for more advanced keeping more than 5 pigs and have experience in fattening pigs.