Research on the
use of cassava leaves for livestock feeding in Cambodia
Authors: Khieu
Borin, Chhay Ty, R. B. Ogle and T. R. Preston, 2005. The Regional Workshop on “The Use of Cassava Roots and Leaves
for On-Farm Animal Feeding”, Hue, Vietnam. January 17-19, 2005.
Cassava is commonly grown for tuber production only. However,
with improved management practices, including nutrient
application, it could be a potentially valuable perennial
forage, supplying protein for both ruminant and monogastric
animals. The total forage dry matter (DM) yield of a long-term
cassava variety (LT) was 23% higher when 350 kg N per ha-1
year-1 of effluent from a biodigester loaded pig manure was
applied, as compared with the yield from effluent originating
from cow manure. Intercropping did not affect cassava
(short-term variety, ST) DM and crude protein (CP) yields but
the total DM and CP yields were increased by 43 and 39% in D.
virgatus and G. sepium intercrops, respectively. The hydrogen
cyanide levels of the fresh cassava leaves of ST (545 mg/kg DM)
and LT (408 mg/kg DM) varieties were reduced by 63% and 33%,
respectively, after sun-drying and by 77% and 78%, respectively,
after ensiling. Foliage from cassava supported higher growth
rate in goats and lower faecal worm egg counts, compared to
those fed natural grass. The daily weight gains of growing
cattle were 210 and 302g with supplementation of cassava leaves
without and with oil, respectively, compared with 53 and 124g
for those fed only rice straw and rice straw plus an oil drench,
respectively. Local pigs fed a mixture of fresh cassava leaves
and water spinach (35:65) improved feed intake and increased
digestibility of DM, OM, CF and N, and higher N-retention and
daily weight gain than pigs fed fresh cassava leaves or water
spinach alone. In another study it was found that ST and LT
cassava varieties were equally efficiently utilized by pigs and
the digestibility of DM and dietary components of cassava leaf
silage was higher than in sun-dried leaves. Mong Cai (MC) pigs
digested the dietary fibre in cassava leaves more efficiently
than Large White x Yorkshire (LxY) pigs, whereas the LxY pigs
utilized N more efficiently than the MC pigs. The coefficient of
total tract apparent digestibility of DM and intake of
digestible DM decreased with increased dietary cassava leaf meal
(CLM) for local and exotic ducks and chickens. The weights and
dimensions of the gastrointestinal tract and organs of the birds
increased with increased CLM in the diets.